Water equality for all: an interview with drink & donate's CEO

For the past five years, Swissline has been a partner of DRINK & DONATE, an innovative non-profit organization (NPO) based in Zurich that provides clean, drinking water for those in need in developing countries. On World Water Day 2022, we wanted to share our conversation with DRINK & DONATE'S CEO, Gaston Jehle about their mission to bring fresh and safe cleaning water to communities around the world.


Did you know that 800 million people do not have access to clean drinking water?

It might be hard to believe that this is the reality for millions around the world, but that is sadly the case. Gaston and his team believe clean drinking water is a human right and also ensures a better quality of life. With their local efforts in and around Switzerland, DRINK & DONATE is able to help fund and build water projects in Africa and Asia. 

Watch the full interview with Gaston to learn how they're making a change, one donation at a time:


Access to clean water is synonymous with better quality of life! It is critical because without good drinking water, the possibility is high that you can die of a serious illness. - Gaston Jehle

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